Hi Cmoms,
We have lot of things going on in chennaimoms. Some may come and some may go, but cmoms goes on for ever. In the course of the cmoms journey in 2009, it saw lot of moms who made her special, who helped her stand up and exist in this world of competitions! Now it's time to thank those moms who contributed more to chennaimoms!
These "Mom Achievers - 2009" were not guesses, were not based on votes, were not chosen by judges. It's what they are, what they contributed and their contributions were completely taken from the database.
I wanted to put this blog in January itself, but only now I was able to sort them out.
Here you go!
The mom who posted maximum number of questions in 2009 is Nithya
The mom who answered maximum number of questions in 2009 is Tame. I personally thank her for her contributions. She helped all moms in need which was the main motive of chennaimoms. Her contributions sure deserves a standing ovation! Thanks Uthara.
The mom who posted maximum number of comments to the blogs in 2009 is Sranj.
The mom who created maximum number of groups in 2009 is buzzgks.
The mom who made lot of friends in 2009 is VinayAmma.
The group that has maximum number of blogs posted in 2009 is Activiy Corner. This is not pertaining to a single mom, but to all moms who are members of this group. And this is the group that had maximum number of members in 2009
The mom who posted maximum number of blogs in 2009 is GayathriAnand, our recipe queen, cooking expert! I had to spend lot of time for determining this Achiever. There were few other moms who did post many blogs than GayathriAnand, but after discarding all the forwards and considering only the original blogs, GayathriAnand's was on top without any doubt!
Congrats to all moms!
And to double the happiness we have Celeste Beauty Salon and Spa located at spencer plaza, chennai is sponsoring the gifts for all the moms mentioned above.