Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Memorable Diwali - Blog contest!

Hi Moms,

We would be celebrating Diwali in a month! Diwali season is the time for shopping, visiting friends/relatives, eating sweets, bursting crackers and having all the fun!

Even though Diwali comes every year, there are few memorable and special diwali's. Post a blog about that memorable diwali experience!

It could be a joke that happened during your shopping, the way your new recipe turned out - best or worst ever, how your rocket(cracker) went into your neighbor's house, how your parents were overjoyed when you bought them dresses with your salary, how you celebrated your thala diwali, the first cracker your child bursted etc

Lets have more fun sharing and reading the "Memorable Diwali Experience".

Please share this with all your blogger friends and they could post their experience as well!

For more info, visit www.chennaimoms.com


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fancy Dress contest in blrmoms.com!

Hi Blrmoms,

We all dress up our kids to look their best. If its fancy dress, it's even more special!

Lets upload and share all such fancy dress photos of our kids and self. Then ask our friends and family members to vote for the photos... The photo that gets the maximum vote will win exciting prizes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chennaimoms is the online partner for 'WE'Bazzar Family Feast Carnival"


Hi Cmoms,

I am glad to announce that Chennaimoms will be an online partner for the event: "WE Bazaar Family Feast Carnival".

As a independence day celebration, ,twilite corpos will be organizing a three days 'WE'Bazzar Family Feast Carnival" Hungama,on 13th friday,14th saturday and 15th sunday August where the whole family members can participate and win fabulous gifts by showcasing their talents on public stage.In thisWE Bazaar Family Carnival Fest First time both women  and men can showcase their talents competing cookery,Ek Minute Eatables,Quiky Bites,Skilled Crafts,Best Homeremedies,competition on playing traditional games,and for children they can also showcase their talents in dancing,singing,painting,

orataricalskills,sketching.Men folks will have different kinds of games and competition on three levels and the winner will be given a title 'Asathia Aan Magan"To add up the festive glamour there will be a walk in celebrities everyday,,and the three day carnival celebration will be a stress free unforgetable moments among each family those who participate and visit this WE Bazzar CarnivalFamily Fest says Sumathi Srinivas C E O of twilitecorpos.Further more sumathi srinivas specifies the Contest Rounds for the family ,on all three days will be interesting,innovative fun and frolic , with sharing among the members for the family .

Monday, July 19, 2010

ChennaiMoms.com's Pink Of Health Fiesta 2010

Pink Of Health Fiesta 2010
Are you ready for a healthy break?
On 1st August,2010


August 1st being a Friendship day, all friends who were connected through the virtual community – Chennaimoms, join to celebrate the day as a day of health for self and family in a fun way!

This is an exclusive event for women and kids. This is a wonderful opportunity for the women and kids to participate in fun events like quiz, games, debate, fitness contest etc. Apart from this we will have a brief lecture from our panel of experts on tips for a healthy life.

Healthy mothers enable children, families, communities and economies to grow and thrive. Aren’t we one? Come and join the fun.

There are a lot of games for women with special prizes! Don’t miss to be crowned as the “Fitness Queen” .

There is always something special for your cute loving kids as far as Chennaimoms events are concerned! Make your little ones as healthy kid and also can prove their talents and win exciting prizes!

Please note that there is NO ENTRY FEES, but please register your participation before July 20th. For registrations call us 044 45530050 - Priya.



Venue and Date
Hall     :     Raghavendra Swamy Mutt Hall
Address     :     Nanganallur, chennai - 600 061
Phone     :     044 45530050
Date     :     1st August 2010, Sunday
Time     :     3 PM – 6 PM


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's day workshop in MGR university

Hi Cmoms,

Chennaimoms has successfully completed the first workshop for this year at MGR university for all MGR Engineering College staffs. Thanks a lot to Sagita and Vijay. Vijay has organized the workshop last saturday (15th). It was very nice of him to have taken the pains to organize the workshop even though the exams were on and it was the last day of the college and above all Sangita and Vijay were planning on to leave on vacation!

The expert Dr.Balakumari, our gynecologist conducted the workshop on "Diet and Exercises in Hectic Life Style". It was just great. She was very lively to keep up all the attendees awake after their lunch . Yes, the workshop was from 2-3 post lunch. The workshop went on for 45 minutes and she was poured with questions till she got into the car!

I personally thank Mr.Vijay for helping chennaimoms conduct the workshop within a very short span of time.

Cmoms, please let me know if we could conduct such workshops at your/your spouse office too!

May month contest - The best vacation

Hi Cmoms,

Here comes the blog contest for the May month.

Pour in your experiences of your best vacation so far as a blog and give your blog's link here.

A small request to all moms whoa re going to participate. If you could mention the details like which hotel/resort you stayed, where all you visited, did you book the package with a travel agency, where you read any reviews about the place etc, it'll be helpful for the moms who are planning for a vacation this summer!


I am happy to announce the launch of www.masthideals.com today.

www.masthideals.com will feature one deeply discounted deal ( more than 50%) from reputed businessess by promising high volume sales.

We choose products which we would love to buy ourselves, at price we would be elated to buy , with customer support as good as we could beg for. Need we say more?

A new deal will be posted every week. So please check it out frequently to grab the deal you like.

And moms please note that this site is not restricted only for women. So please share it with your spouse, family and friends.

Results of the Blog contest - The First Cry

Hi Cmoms,

Thanks for the enthusiastic participation! The contest was a grand success with the Top blogs having 61 votes. So the winners (both of them scored 61 votes) are: SowmyaGopi and Shobana.

Congrats moms!

Both the moms get VLCC gifts worth Rs.2000 each.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chennaimoms is the network partner for Hindu's Chennai Super Mom 2010

Hi Cmoms,

I am glad to announce today
chennaimoms.com has become the networking media partner for The Hindu in their 'Chennai Super Mom 2010' Contest!

We were the network partner of Hindu's Chennai Super Mom 2009 also and we continue this year too!

I understand that few of our cmoms have already registered for this event. I hope more of our moms participate with enthusiasm and bring home the honors for Chennaimoms! If you are a cmom and a winner in this event, you will be featured on our site!

So lets go moms, make us proud! I am going, so if you want to join me drop a comment here (in this blog).

Last year I went for this event and I thoroughly enjoyed the tattoo, mehandi, hair dressing, nail art and what not? Not only me, even my kids and my mom enjoyed the whole show. So try to come with your family for the event even if you are not participating in any competitions. There were many on the spot games for the whole family too last year.

You can get more details about the event at

Also it would be great, if you can let friends know about this great event.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chennaimoms Funny Foto Contest results 2010

Hi Cmoms,

We have the 3 winners of the Funny foto contest 2010 who won the gift certificates sponsored by Pothys chennai.

Here are the winners:

Sangitavijay won Rs.3000 worth gift certifcate

Nandhu won Rs.2000 worth gift certifcate

Kavisam won Rs.1000 worth gift certifcate

To check out the funny fotos posted by the winners as well as others, check out http://www.chennaimoms.com/blogs/1/posts/22220-funny-foto-contest---results

Chennaimoms Achievers 2009

Hi Cmoms,

We have lot of things going on in chennaimoms. Some may come and some may go, but cmoms goes on for ever. In the course of the cmoms journey in 2009, it saw lot of moms who made her special, who helped her stand up and exist in this world of competitions! Now it's time to thank those moms who contributed more to chennaimoms!

These "Mom Achievers - 2009" were not guesses, were not based on votes, were not chosen by judges. It's what they are, what they contributed and their contributions were completely taken from the database.

I wanted to put this blog in January itself, but only now I was able to sort them out.

Here you go!

  • The mom who posted maximum number of questions in 2009 is Nithya

  • The mom who answered maximum number of questions in 2009 is Tame. I personally thank her for her contributions. She helped all moms in need which was the main motive of chennaimoms. Her contributions sure deserves a standing ovation! Thanks Uthara.
  • The mom who posted maximum number of comments to the blogs in 2009 is Sranj.
  • The mom who created maximum number of groups in 2009 is buzzgks.
  • The mom who made lot of friends in 2009 is VinayAmma.
  • The group that has maximum number of blogs posted in 2009 is Activiy Corner. This is not pertaining to a single mom, but to all moms who are members of this group. And this is the group that had maximum number of members in 2009
  • The mom who posted maximum number of blogs in 2009 is GayathriAnand, our recipe queen, cooking expert! I had to spend lot of time for determining this Achiever. There were few other moms who did post many blogs than GayathriAnand, but after discarding all the forwards and considering only the original blogs, GayathriAnand's was on top without any doubt!

Congrats to all moms!

And to double the happiness we have Celeste Beauty Salon and Spa located at spencer plaza, chennai is sponsoring the gifts for all the moms mentioned above.