Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Memorable Diwali - Blog contest!

Hi Moms,

We would be celebrating Diwali in a month! Diwali season is the time for shopping, visiting friends/relatives, eating sweets, bursting crackers and having all the fun!

Even though Diwali comes every year, there are few memorable and special diwali's. Post a blog about that memorable diwali experience!

It could be a joke that happened during your shopping, the way your new recipe turned out - best or worst ever, how your rocket(cracker) went into your neighbor's house, how your parents were overjoyed when you bought them dresses with your salary, how you celebrated your thala diwali, the first cracker your child bursted etc

Lets have more fun sharing and reading the "Memorable Diwali Experience".

Please share this with all your blogger friends and they could post their experience as well!

For more info, visit www.chennaimoms.com


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